I am Jonathan.

An aspiring software developer.

About Me

Hey there, I'm Jonathan!

From tinkering with MySpace customizations to diving deep into the world of computer science, my journey has been anything but ordinary. Who would've thought the kid who once dreamt of stethoscopes would end up falling head over heels for code?

I proudly sport a degree from Oregon State University in Computer Science. But you know what? The classroom was just the start. Post-graduation, I've been soaking up everything tech, from Dockers to Kubernetes, system architecture, and beyond. Now, I’m on the lookout to team up with like-minded tech enthusiasts. Ready to innovate, learn, and make some digital magic.

My toolkit includes Full Stack development, Backend Development, and getting the hang of DevOps. Outside the screen, you’ll find me cycling, capturing moments on film, nurturing my plants, or having the best time with my two canine companions.

Life's all about experiences, and I’m here for all of them, whether coding up a storm or hitting the open road! Let’s create something amazing together!




JavaScript, React Native, GitHub Actions, Stream’s Activity Feed API, Firebase, Cloud Functions
Collaborated in a team to develop a cross-platform fitness challenge app. Initiated the project, managed GitHub setup, and added in-app search with React Chip components. Integrated Stream's Activity Feed API for global user interactions and deployed an efficient token retrieval function on Google Cloud Functions.

Harry Potter Movies Database

JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, AWS MariaDB
Collaborated efficiently within the team, contributing to project proposal, ER diagram, schema design, and implementation. Developed a RESTful API for CRUD operations using Node.js, Express.js, and MySQL. Led backend development and configured Amazon RDS for efficient data storage with MariaDB.

Content Generator

Python, Tkinter, RabbitMQ’s Pika, Wikipedia API
Designed and created a user-friendly GUI for inputting primary and secondary keys, querying Wikipedia through an API, and displaying a relevant paragraph. Enhanced application versatility by implementing a CSV input processor to generate an output CSV file. Additionally, developed a microservice using RabbitMQ's Pika module, serving as both producer and consumer to facilitate efficient component communication.

Small Shell

C, reimplemented in Go
Implemented a set of built-in commands, including exit, change directory, and status, enhancing the shell’s functionality. • Added the support for additional commands by invoking the ’exec’ family of functions, configuring input and output direction, and enabling foreground and background command execution.

Software technologies I have used:

React Native

Let's Connect

Feel free to reach out to me for any inquiries or opportunities.